Sunday, August 24, 2008

Presidential Camp-Maine

Joe Biden, huh! Saw him speak today and he was pretty good. Got a little snarky, but at least he's funny about it. Obama needed an attack dog, so there it is.

Ok enough about the outside world. Back to Maine...

Whale watching!!

That's totally a whale!Whale tail! We had a great view from the bridge, where we got VIP treatment from one of the employees who has been to see our shows. I was much happier watching than taking pictures, though, so these are about as good as they get. It was pretty amazing to see these giant animals right next to the boat. We saw at least 10. Wtg, nature. You win again.

Tonight was very fun but I was really out of it for some reason. I hosted the second show of the night and going into the first game (which is almost always Option) I blanked and very purposely said, "Jen, for an extra point, what game will you be playing?" Nice work, Sullivan. On the way back to the house I was very nearly subjected to a roadside sobriety test (I was NOT drunk, mom) and I doubt I will ever hear the end of it from these guys.

All in all, a good night. Can't believe I only have 4 days left...

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