Friday, August 8, 2008


My lovely room.
Real Maine blueberries!! The difference is they are teeny and they are blue on the inside, as opposed to the standard Michigan or Jersey berries which are larger and white or green inside. I'll be contacting Alton Brown regarding a show dedicated to this fact. (whoever gets that reference is my soulmate)
Welcome to Maine, Natalie! Stay inside.

Oh boy!! I haven't seen a Friendly's since Florida! Their sign says it all..."Ice cream World."
What do you think, Sarah?


Chidester said...

The room you're staying is was my room. I was there first! Watch out for people with hoods over their heads outside.

Flu-baby said...

I get the reference. I miss the hell out of you. Hope you're doing great

Anonymous said...

I also get the reference, and as a child, there were wild Maine blueberries growing my backyard. We always had to be careful picking them because they were surrounded by poison ivy.