Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Again, again

Today is my last day at the office, one more time. Of course it's not the LAST last. I'll come back, whether its full time or through the conference, or for projects. As this is my third "last day" here, I know I'll be back around. I've said many times to many people how lucky I am to have this place I come every day for (give or take) eight hours and never feel like it is a chore. How many actors love their day jobs? Yes, I'm blessed.

I spent the last couple of weeks feeling a bit nervous about the trip and the show and the overall change, and now I've entered a state of complacency. Not apathy, just a steady calm of, "Learn the show, make the drive, everything will be fine." I think there's a point in a transition where you have to switch to autopilot and trust everything will work. I have a go-to statement I heard soon after I returned from the ship and it goes like this: It doesn't make any sense to fear something you want. It's a waste of energy. I repeat that to myself often.

Pictures will return to my blog soon...I promise.

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