Friday, September 26, 2008


And here's why. McCain bailed on Dave, did NOT fly to Washington as he said he would, and when he finally did, sat quietly and did basically nothing to help "bail out" the economy. I won't pretend to know more than I do about our current situation (when it comes to politics, the economy part is not my strong point) but I know when someone is being a politician rather than being a person. John McCain couldn't possibly scare me more than he has in the past couple of days. I was watching Morning Joe this morning, as I tend to do, and they showed a clip of him on a news show yesterday asnwering the question, "Will you be in Mississipi tomorrow night?" After making a lame joke and laughing at it, he said he was "hopeful" and then bashed Barack for never having agreed to a town hall forum as he has "requested over and over." Good move, buddy. Dodge the question by calling Barack out for something that has nothing to do with anything while simultaneously trying to skip out on an ACTUAL debate.

Then they do this thing on MJ called the Truth-o-meter where they take ads and statements and tell how close to the truth they really are. Sarah Palin made a statement that went something like, "a country is measured by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens" (no need to even begin to touch that statement in regards to the US) and then went on to say that women are "killed and beaten for showing their hair" in Iran. Ok. We all know the stuff about Muslim extremist theocracies and how women can be treated and that yes, it's a rule for women to wear veils and stay covered. But according to the ol' truth-o-meter...are there women being killed daily for showing their hair? No. Have their been extreme cases of violence that we in the west are shocked at? Yes. Is it cool for a potential VP of a world power to go around spouting off stereotypical statements to make a point? NO.

And finally...The NRA is sending out a mailer that says how Barack Obama wants to implement a "10-step plan" to cut the 2nd ammendment. I know the American education system is struggling, but HOW F-ING DUMB DO YOU HAVE TO BE TO BUY THIS??? I know people (sadly) who voted for Bush purely based on the fear that the Democrats would take their guns away. This makes me cry. Now on the other side of the coin, I receive emails every day or two from the Obama campaign with videos and letters, etc...and I rarely read them. Why? Because I already know who I'm voting for. Each side is preaching to the choir and neither has a prayer of conversion.

Finally (for real) I'm angry because this guy is married.

Willie Geist from Morning Joe. Watch the show, seriously. It's the best thing on news TV.

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