Saturday, June 7, 2008


James, formerly of the Spirit and soon to be of the Dawn, is here this week. Hooray! He's staying with me until he moves on to the benevolent accomodation of the Second City. Saw his CIF show last night, and I have to say, improvised Chekov is everything I imagined it could be...and hilarious. Really impressive and entertaining show. From LA improvisors...who knew? (BURN)

This morning Meredith and I walked/jogged (but mostly walked) a 5K that Tracey's school was involved in. It was really fun to a) feel so accomplished by 10:30am on a Saturday and b) do a "real person" activity. It's nice to put my free time towards something non-improv related. You know, sometimes. Sssshhh. Don't tell anyone I said that.

Tonight, CSz show, then CIF randomness. I'll likely just stay around CSz, but I'd like to think I'll go nuts and actually leave the building. Who knows.

And I must make note: summer has arrived in Chicago. And it's hot as...something super hot. Anyone have good advice on how to install a giant AC window unit?

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