Where I spent my Good Friday. It snowed on Jesus. You'd think he'd been through enough on this day already.
The Methodists know...Jesus loves efficiency.
Happy birthday, Sarah! Way to slip into the festivities, Goody.
So this year's Holy week was different from others before it. I was busier and had to compromise some of my sacrosanct mass time. Adoration only on Holy Thursday, mid-day working man's Good Friday mass, and a new church for my beloved Vigil. Went next door to Mt. Carmel rather than making the trek (upwards of a 20 minute walk!) to St. Clement. Yes, it truly is a whole new world for me in 2008. But thanks to my "universal" faith, things never really change. I walked into vigil tonight, took my order of service and clever little plastic cup candle holder and bounced giddily to a pew lovingly embraced by a cloud of familiar incense. Roughly 3 hours, 5 old testament readings, one epistle, one gopsel, one wax burn, several baptisms, a couple jarring drum rolls, and many latin litanies later, I returned my much shorter candle and order of service, shook the hand of a bishop, and overheard one priest say to another priest in all earnestness "We're going to [local bar] Town Hall after this, right?" Not a bit. I loved it. Highlight of the mass for me: I actually got a little misty at the beginning of mass when we passed the light from the Pascal candle down the rows...the flame going from one candle to the next, causing the light to grow in the dark church...the symbolism hit me harder this year than usual. My advice to everyone for 2008...pass the light.
Speaking of the ol' church...Vinnie and I premiered some of our material for our Catholic sketch show at the Playground's Grafitti this Friday. What better night than Good Friday to showcase our satirical take on the Church?? It went really well and we couldn't be more excited to put the show up...as soon as we have a space. There goes the Lord and his mysterious ways again. That guy...
Happy Easter!
*I'm sure I've used this "joke" before. Oh boy. I steal my own bits and they're not even great.
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