Friday, July 29, 2011

No Touring for a While, but...

I did get to do this show at home.

For two nights I got to do four shows with the wonderful cast of The Second City e.t.c.!  The trick is, the show wasn't quite open when I went in for Mary, so I had to learn the stuff in progress.  The cast and director are so great, though, that it felt really easy.  The shows were a lot of fun and I'm really glad I could do it. 

Jessica, Aidy and I are super pretty.

Yay for RedCo!  Here is the cast that represented Red on TourCo at some point or another.  Good stats for the e.t.c.

Sadly, Jesse Case and Michael Lehrer, talented as they are, did not fall into my Red or female category, so they are not pictured.  But I assure you, everyone was great to work with.

Touring starts up again in a little over a week when we head to Hilton Head, SC.  I promise new road updates.  Especially to you, JJ.

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